Using adverse media to bolster and protect corporate brand

Ladanna James
Ladanna James
Head of Marketing and Partnerships
Using adverse media to bolster and protect corporate brand

Why open-source intelligence analysis is a must

Today, behaviour that used to be tolerated is no longer acceptable. Attitudes around bias, harassment, discrimination and toxic work environments are evolving. What’s more, the risks of data breaches by insiders continue to multiply, and so do the headlines that damage a brand’s reputation. Reputation can either drive value or destroy it. Because so much of our lives are now lived online, organizations must ensure they have a complete picture of their potential recruits, business partners and other associates.

This fuller, more robust view leads to better and more confident decision-making. Culture fit; that is, the alignment of values, beliefs, and behaviors between an organization and its various stakeholders is arguably more important than ever. Open-source intelligence (OSINT) analysis is the added step organizations must take to help them build the right culture while protecting their brands from brand-damaging events. 

Valital’s AI models scour publicly available online information to extract structured and unstructured data in real time. Our AI models learn human language and use Natural Language Processing to understand content and context, flagging relevant online information on companies’ adverse ESG-based misconducts as well as individuals’ misconducts related to financial crimes, fraud, violence, harassment, discrimination and addiction.

Protecting corporate culture and reputation

Used as an “early warning” indicator, Valital can help save organizations’ both time and money that would have been used to pursue unsuitable and misaligned business relationships. The consequences for missing out on this step are real and potentially damaging. Headlines — and the subsequent reputational damage — related to bias, harassment, discrimination and data breaches can result in loss of income and reduced customer base.

Valital can also be used post-hire, as part of a periodic audit or re-screening program. Screening for new employees is fairly standard, but what about those more experienced, long-serving, trusted employees? Periodic audits are especially critical in regulated industries where these employees can move into positions that give them access to sensitive data. However, this is becoming a best practice across all businesses that recognize that people and their circumstances can change over time. Re-screening can take place six months after a new employee is hired, annually or bi-annually. 

Used as part of a rigorous risk management process, Valital’s LiveUpdate continuous monitoring feature can be activated for alerts when a new misconduct on an individual or organization appears online. This feature is especially helpful to organizations that have a fiduciary responsibility to customers and that have access to large volumes of sensitive information. They need to be extra vigilant, particularly if they have code of conduct issues with some employees.

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